Assuring a favorable status for habitat and species conservation in the Măcin Mountains National Park

The Administration of the Măcin Mountains National Park has signed in April 2012 the contract for the implementation of the second financing project through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Environment, Axis 4.

The new project, “Assuring a favorable status for habitat and species conservation in the Măcin Mountains National Park”, is meant to complete and to develop the results of the first implemented project.

This project brings technical interpretation and communication means necessary to the Visit-Information Center in Greci, and a superior knowledge of the conservation status of the species and habitats in the protected natural area.

The project contributes to the strengthening of the management capacity of biodiversity conservation in the national park due to the acquisition of a new test van, which is equipped with special devices required in the monitoring of biotic and abiotic factors. The data and information collected by this new equipment will greatly improve management decisions, thus increasing the quality of the administration of the protected natural area.