Marking: Blue stripe.
Length: 6 km.
The route: Măcin – Regia Tutunului (the Tabacco Administration) – Sulucu Mare Peak – Piatra Râioasă – Şaua Şerparu – Caramalău Peak – Fântâna de Leac (the Curing Fountain) – Măcin.
Camping site: Fântâna de Leac (the Curing Fountain)
The Pricopan Heights trail can be considered a geotourism trail as it takes the visitor along spectacular geologic formations which were created approximately 255 million years ago. Landscape-wise, the Pricopan Massive is the most spectacular ridge in the area of the natural park, containing huge granite formations, towering cliffs and vast panoramas around the Măcin Depression, the Luncaviţa Depression and even the cities Galaţi, Brăila and Reni. Being almost completely deforested, the massif offers the typical eroded aspect of a granite relief, creating an alpine gap scenery, with rounded rocks, appearing as ‘onion leaves’ which offer images of swinging rocks and bizarre shapes along the trail. The trail crosses steppe pastures, tiny steppe glades and rocky formations with dry trees and bushes of rosehip, hawthorn and silver berry.
Among the bare rocks one can see internationally important species of plants such as: a local unique bellflower (Campanula romanica), pygmy carnation (Dianthus nardiformis), Moehringia grisebachii and M. jankae. This ridge with small vegetation and rocky areas is a good habitat for reptiles: Spur thighed Ibera (Testudo graeca ibera), Balkan green lizard (Lacerta trilineata), and large whipsnake (Coluber caspius); but also for small mammals: marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna), beech marten (Martes foina), and steppe polecat (Mustella eversmani). The Pricopan Heights is the main point for the monitorization of the migrating birds of prey which fly over Romania.