The Măcin Mountains occupy the NW part of Northern Dobrogea, presenting itself as a row of NW-SE oriented parallel ridges. The altitude of these mountains is between 7 and 467 m (Ţuţuianu Peak).
The Măcin Mountains National Park occupy the central and highest area of the Măcin Mountains, which is the oldest geological formation in our country, being a rest of the Hercynic-Cimmerian orogeny.
Geomorphologically, the Pricopan Heights are unique within the park, having Alpine relief, represented by steep and rocky ridges, reaching up to 370 m in the Suluc Peak. The rock disintegration processes are active, many erosion witnesses being present there, which have a ring-like aspect, giving a great variety to the scenery. The other areas of the park are generally less prominent, but the slopes are often rocky and steep, locally being covered by scree, especially on the Western frame of Măcin Heights.
The significant rocks are: granitic gneiss in the S and E, crystalline limestone in the SE, metamorphic and igneous rocks in the N, yellow soil deposits on plateaux and small altitude areas. There are also Carapelit formations which are composed out of conglomerates, sandstones and detrital shale.