
The history of the Măcin Mountains National Park is outlined in the following documents:

  • Ordinance no. 68 / 26.01.1998 of the Environment Ministry regarding the avouchment of the Măcin Mountains National Park
  • Law no. 5 of 200 concerning the approval of the planning of the national territory – Section III – protected areas, specifies the surface of 11,321 hectares entirely in the territory of Tulcea county, paragraph P), protected national interest area henceforth called “Măcin Mountains”.
  • Government Ordinance no. 230 / 2003 concerning the delimitation of natural reservations, national parks, and the establishments of their administrations, classifies the Măcin Mountains protected area as a national park and establishes its limits in Appendix no. 1, according to which, following the summing up of the surfaces mention in the Ordinance, the total surface of the Măcin Mountains National Park is 11,227.11 hectares.
  • Ordinance no. 552 / 2003 regarding the approval of the internal zoning of national parks and natural parks, from the standpoint of conservation and biodiversity needs.
  • Government Ordinance no. 1529 / 1.11.2006 modifies the limit of the national park by brining out of its perimeter a surface of 77.96 hectares in the Pricopan Heights area, resulting a total surface of 11,149.15 hectares.
  • The meeting of the Scientific Council analyzed and approved the request of the Administration for a surface rectification which brought County Road (DJ) 222A inside the park perimeter, thus resulting a new total park surface of 11,151.82 hectares.