Conservation of species and habitats characteristic steppe bioregion Macin Mountains (PNMM, Macin-Niculiţel SPA, SCI Macin Mountains)

About the project

On February 28, 2011 Macin Mountains National Park Administration has signed the financing for the project “Conservation of species and habitats characteristic steppe bioregion Macin Mountains (PNMM, Macin-Niculiţel SPA, SCI Macin Mountains)”, financed by SOP (SOP Environment) – priority Axis 4 “Implementation of Adequate Management Systems for Nature Protection”.

EU finances the project “Conservation of species and habitats characteristic steppe bioregion Macin Mountains (PNMM, Macin-Niculiţel SPA, SCI Macin Mountains)”, financed by SOP (SOP Environment) – Priority Axis 4 “Implementation of Adequate Management protection of Nature “project unfolds over a period of 36 months, with finalization in February 28, 2014, implemented by: RNP – Romsilva Macin Mountains National Park Administration – RA. The total project budget “Conservation of species and habitats characteristic steppe bioregion Macin Mountains (PNMM, Macin-Niculiţel SPA, SCI Macin Mountains)” is the amount of 17,222,374 lei, of which 14,050,492 Lei is co-financing from the European Regional development, 3,171,882 Lei beneficiary contribution.

 Project Presentation

 Press Release

Project acquisition

Acquisitions in Macin Mountains National Park Administration Project SOP Environment.

Training classes – Deadline for offers: 20.12.2011
Forms 1,2,3,4
Form 1A and 1B
 Finalized procedure
Măcin Mountains National Park (MMNP) website development Documentation Finalized procedure
Contract regarding the advertisement pertaining to the project Documentation Finalized procedure
Supplying “Equipment for the functioning of the Unit of Project Implementation (UIP)” Finalized procedure
Acquisition of consultation services for the building of the Information-Visit Center in Greci Finalized procedure
Research services for the elaboration of the management plan of MMNP and the integration of management prescription for the Natura 2000 site Finalized procedure
Attainment of technical project with execution details and Construction Authorization Project for the building of the Information-Visits Center in Greci Finalized procedure
Editing of information materials
Editing of information materials Object of contract: 1. Editing of maps with the zonal distribution of the MMNP, SCI and SPA, including the representation of allowed, restricted and forbidden activities 2. Editing and printing of yearly calendars with images from the Măcin Mountains 3. Editing of 7 thematic flyers for each specific taxonomic group (flora, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, habitats) in the Măcin Mountains. 4. Flyer including traditional economic activities which are environment-friendly 5. The editing of the MMNP Atlas including overlaying Natura 2000 sites. 6. The publication of a quarterly newsletter (on paper and online) for the local population, including the activities of the MMNP management. 7. The editing of 3 roll-up banners (logos, biodiversity, maps of the Măcin Mountains)
 Finalized procedure
Installation of orientation signs and informative panels Finalized procedure
Acquisition and installation of soft touch-screens Documentation Finalized procedure
Cleaning services contract in the spaces used by the Project Implementation Unit. Finalized procedure
Contract for the supply of office and stationery products for organization of public procurement procedures within the Project Finalized procedure